Thursday, November 4, 2010

wooohooo first blog :D

So basically, for those of you wondering, I'm starting a blog cuz I have a lot to talk about. What do I have to talk about? eating healthy/fitness, creative stuff, and love/loss/life itself. I'm kinda interested to see who follows this. so if you're on here? cool! means somebody besides me is interested/being entertained by the words coming out of my brain. or maybe just stalking me. I guess that's cool too. Best jump right into it!
This is day #3 without sugar. After halloween, I've vowed to go on a sugar fast. I've just been eating too much candy, desserts, sugary drinks, etc lately and it's driving me nuts and I want to go back to eating healthy like I usually do. The basic rules are to cut out caffeine (except in tea. cuz I've had 6 or 7 coffees in October- more than I ever do in a year), candy, sugary drinks, dessert, and anything else that's sugary and not real food and bad for me. So what CAN I have? honey I consider to be okay, cuz I use that to top my english muffins with pb in the morning, although once I run out of real honey I'm switching to the agave nectar I recently bought. cuz it tastes sort of like honey but is wayyy better for you. chocolate soy milk (yes I drink soy milk, not regular milk) is iffy. Cuz it has tons of added sugars to it. so... after I'm done with the containers i've recently bough, I'm not planning on buying anymore of those. it just doesn't feel right. smoothies (as long as it's not too ridiculous, like those fake smoothies that are hardly even made up of real fruit and mainly fruit juices or just sugar/syrup) are okay, again, as long as they're mainly natural. such as those from jamba juice- ideally the all fruit ones, or as close to it as I can get. same thing with the ones I make at home-those are ok too cuz i don't add any sugar to them. yogurt is okay. most of the time that's healthy. fruit is of course ok. fruit juice I personally am saying no to. it has little nutritional merit. but pancakes I am letting slide. they're my favorite breakfast food ever and they'll be a once in a while treat. as far as caffeine goes, my personal belief on that is, yes it can be beneficial, such as having some before exercise, but I want to go off natural energy again. That's what I used to do, until I started letting forms of caffeine in my life again (coffee, five hour energy, etc), but... no more. I'm 19. I should be able to run off my own natural energy without that kind of help. also, it gives me crazy jitters! as far as cereal goes, as long as it's not too bad for you, as in still pretty good for you, such as fiber 1 or special k (mmmmm), then that's ok. but if it's something like captain crunch, reeses puffs, etc? chyeah. forget that. I believe that's all my guidelines for now.
So how have I been doing on this? by my standards, pretty mediocre. The first day I went to the movies (saw paranormal activity 2. all I can say is: was a good laugh) and tooootally forgot that I was doing this and had like half of a virgin strawberry daquiri. the second day I didn't do too bad. had a couple fortune cookies but that's it. But then today in choir it was our professor's birthday, so we all brought him something and celebrated... and I had some puppy chow and later some coffee.... yeah. that was the end of that. at that point, afterwards it was pretty much like: reality check! what IS this crap that I was putting in my body? yeah. time to stop. So.... with a new sense of purpose, haven't touched anything else sugary all day (well. I had a little irish soda bread. should probably quit having that), and tomorrow, here I come!
So maybe you're asking yourself.... why is she torturing herself like this? well to me it's not torture. I've abstained from sugar before. did it for lent early this year. and yeah, felt like crap the first week or two while I was adjusting to not having it, but it felt pretty damn good to be that healthy after that first speed bump! And it's definitely not as hard this time. pretty hard. but not quite that hard. but... lately I've been slipping up pretty bad. been eating wayyyy too much sugary junk food to the extent that I'm not so happy with myself anymore. I don't feel very confident. At one point after I gave up sugar, I was feeling actually okay about myself and I finally felt like I looked kind of good. but lately... not so much. so? Time to change that. I mean, granted. last month I worked at a haunted house and was crazy busy and on top of all the crap I was eating, also wasn't getting enough exercise and not sleeping much, too. So of course I haven't been looking all that great because my body hasn't been in top shape like I used to. and right now I'm STILL recovering from that (fixing my eating habits, catching up on my sleep, etc).
Also, for those of you who didn't know. I lead kind of a stressful life, and all the sugar, while, at the moment, helps with my anxiety, doesn't help it in the long term. anyways. Time to be off and get to bed for now. until tomorrow!


  1. Hey there Robin ! Welcome to the world of Blogger !! You are far from alone in your quest to give up sugar- it seems to be one of the things that many struggle with and it is hard work. On my blog I have links to several of them. Myself, I am trying to not only give up sugar, but go lower carb because this is what my body responds best to. Blogging helps a lot of people deal with the emotional stress of a lifestyle change, and you can make some pretty good friends in the process !

  2. Way to go, lovey :D I have confidence in you! and you're beautiful! <3 Neeee

  3. awww thanks guys :) i hope you keep following me! my only followers yet. makes me feel so special!
