ohhh man so, thursday I went to metro, a restaurant, with matt. was pretty good except the service was crappy. suuuuper slow, and he says it usually isn't. and they didn't seem to really care about us. they barely came to check up on us and the waittress didn't stay any longer than she needed, so I ended up needing a few things and she walked away before I could ask them. and THEN after our meal me and matt decided to go for a run. we left about 6:30 and came back at 7:15. we had somewhere around 5 minutes each of warm up and cool down walking, so ten-fifteen mins of non-running, which means 30 mins of running, which would have been at least 3 miles at the rate we were going! it felt so good after that. We're gonna run more often and we're doing the turkey trot (a 5k) on thanksgiving. Man I'm so glad/excited! Friday I hung out with Nikki and Kristin at panera bread and Nikki's house. It was cool that we were all, for once, free on a friday and could actually just chill. Well, later they started drinking and it winded down and got kinda boring so I just left to hang out with matt. We watched taken. It was a movie about the drug war (I never really knew what that was until this), and how this high school graduate and her friend go off to France alone and are kidnapped, and the girl's dad is a retired government agent and comes to rescue her. Basically the bad guys take the girls and addict them to drugs and make them into prostitutes/sell them. It's kinda scary cuz this stuff actually happens. I'm never travelling alone...
Then saturday... ohhh man. Me and matt went to starved rock. we hiked a lot (there were a lot of stairs) and climbed all over things, including places we weren't supposed to go on (haha whoops). We got there somewhere around 1 and stayed till around I think 5 or so. We also took lots of pictures. I decided I wanted to do a lot of dramatic poses where I stare off into the distance. Well, during this one part, there was level ground, and it ended in an end cap of 100+ feet of rocks/dells, with different levels of rocks around it to climb, and a part that you could only get to by either crossing narrow logs on top of a pond, or hugging a flat rock wall and hoping for the best as you try to make your way across. well matt did that on the one side. he made it across that way. any gaps/stepping stones/etc in the rock he had to use over there were very minimal, maybe an inch jutting out from the surface. really small. it was crazy how he got across. and then I tried to get across but took the logged way. basically there were a few logs in a relatively shallow pond, layed across the water. that part of the water I was crossing through couldn't have been more than 8 inches deep. But inside I was kinda freaking out cuz the water was all dark and murky and full of leaves and all that I could picture in my head the whole time was that lake of death, or whatever it is, in one of the lord of the rings movies where frodo crosses and falls in and there are all these scary dead bodies in there and they grab them. All I could think about while crossing was that that little pond would have creepy, mysterious things in there waiting to reach out and snap me if I fell in. well. I got across, even though I wobbled some and almost fell in. Then I got on top of the rock cave at the other side, and went to go sit off of the rounded edge to test how deep the water was with my long, skinny walking stick/balance-helper. aaaaaand I immediately fell in, slipping on a leaf and falling into the water. The part that I fell in, only a foot or 2 from the part I crossed on, was up to my waist (and by waist I mean pants' waist, not torso waist). you can only imagine how much I was freaking out at this point. basically, to give you a mental picture, I ran straight out of the murky water saying "eeew! eeew! EEEW!" yeah. I was fine. wet from the waist down for a little bit (thank god I wore hiking boots and water-wicking polyester shorts and under armor) and my legs were cold for a while, but I wore clothes that were made for that kinda crazy stuff so it was ok. but MAN did it freak me out. I have a huge fear of ponds and lakes. lake michigan and the ocean don't bother me, unless I start to stray from shallow water into parts I can't see (hello big fishies and, in the case of the ocean, sharks). What bugs me about them is that I can't see the bottom, and if the bottom feels slimy, yucky, or gross. I used to swim in lakes all the time when I was little, but after a while.... I dunno. they just freaked me out to no end. especially after I got a leech on me. but it's mainly the bottom that causes most worry for me. And idk... the whole part that anything could be in there. yeah. that did it for me. So then after that we walked around some more and finished up there and went to the welcome center, and then a lodge there and got hot drinks. I got a tea that I found out was sweetened (whoops). and matt got hot cider and fudge. I chose to ignore the fudge's existence. It kinda helped that matt told me the box wasn't filled with fudge, but gross, dead, meat-ful steaks (LOL). then we went home and I changed into new clothes, out of the wet ones, and then we went to dennys and ordered deliiiicious build-your-own slams. they now have holiday breakfast foods. I was in heaven. Then we watched the borne identity. very action-packed and just cool. I like action movies. especially lately. idky. We somehow got into a big pillow/tickle/wet willy fight and idk... it was just so much fun. I love all the simple things I can enjoy with him, even if they are ridiculously silly. and we love being silly. I think couples who are just in it for the serious romantic stuff/sex/marriage/long-term/paying bills together/whatever, are missing out on something. cuz it's so fun to be silly!
so... it's today, sunday. blah. what have I gotten accomplished? well I relaxed some and went shopping. twice. cuz I had to make an exchange on a scale, and looked a few places for it. After the 3rd scale I've bought, finally this one is accurate (I THINK. I only tried the model in the store. but the model was accurate). sucks cuz, the one that I bought that was 30 pounds off I got my money back on, a good $8 or 9, but the other one, the one that was always coming up with weights that were waaaay too small, costed $25, plus shipping since I bought it online, and I threw away the receipt to it. So I'm kinda stuck with it. and it's inaccurate. boo! I mean, It's flattering, because it really downplays my weight. but I don't want flattering, I want accurate. Especially now since I decided to go on creatine. I want to keep track of how much I'll gain and lose through the cycles. I'm expecting some water weight through this but it'll go down later either when i've taken it for a while, or when I get back off it. Either way, It's very safe. I did my research. I'm not gonna take body builder amounts. just 1-2 5 gram servings per day, maybe not even any on days that I don't work out. But it's shown to help gain muscle mass (which I want to do. I'd like a little bit more muscles), give you more energy (helps with atp production or break down and creatine is something naturally produced in your muscles, this is just giving them more), and help with performance so... here goes! aaaaand I am off to go work out. until next time :)
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