so.... almost forgot to blog tonight! but that's bad cuz I want to blog everyday if I can, or maybe every other day. we'll see how it goes. so today was fabulous! best day I've had probably since statesville. Well, not gonna lie. started out pretty shitty. cuz me and matt were planning on going on a long bike ride for the longest time. but that was ruined cuz we got to the place and found out my bike didn't work. with closer examination, it looked like somebody had ran it over, or just thrown it around a bunch! the tires were bent, the gears didn't shift, it couldn't ride smoothly at all-you REALLY had to kinda force it in order to make it go. so it was just kinda like- OMGWTFIHATELIFEWHODIDTHIS?! preeeetty sure it was my brother. nobody else takes my bike without asking, and he's the one that totalled my other bike before. but there's no way to prove anything. and the thing is, even if there WAS a way to prove something, and my brother DID do that, what could I do? my parents don't really care. there's not much they can do. nobody controls him cuz he doesn't listen to anybody. and he has no job. still doesn't have a job. and even if he did, he'd never pay me back. it's like I can't even keep a bike in my house. there's nothing really to chain it up against. ummm so this sucks. another reason I hate it there. but let's not get into that I wanna talk about my awesome day k?
So after we figured out that that aspect of life sucked, it was pretty much like a little bit of moping on my part, but then matt brought up the fact that there's nothing I could do about it, I should stop focusing on it, and that we should focus on other things and put it behind us so we could have a GOOD day.
So, at first we decided we'd go back to his house and try biking by his house and borrowing a bike from his rents. but then we passed this amazing-looking scenic, open park and it was like OMG PARK! (for those of you who didn't know, I have a crazy affinity for "childish" things like parks and play places! wish adults could play on them more without being looked at weird or yelled at!). so, we checked out this beautiful park with a, well. park (swing set and everything), and a pretty, long bridge (I love bridges, too. HATE THEM when I'm going over them with a car. but LOVE them when I'm walking on them. especially when they're those cute, quaint, old, picturesque bridges <3), played on the park part, and walked around on the scenic path. idk, just with how nice the sun was today, and the weather (it was maybe 50 degrees, barely any wind. NICE weather for november!), and the leaves everywhere... heaven! and it's nice cuz after a while you get to that point where it's a nice kind of fatigued. the kind where you earn it. being out in fresh, crisp air just does that to you! it's a nice feeling, getting into bed and going "ahhhh"(as in relaxing sigh) cuz you know you'll actually sleep tonight! then we went to the phillip's park zoo- a free zoo! it was so cool! they had big snakes, and alligators, big turtles, bald eagles, llamas, otters, lions, wolves, and other things. it was so cool! and we checked out the play place/play grounds there, and walked around there too. very refreshing :). doing physical things just make me feel like I earned the day- it's rewarding!
Then we went to olive garden. it was so delicious! ever hear of those people that die from eating, because they starve for such an extended period of time, that they end up eating eventually and it's a shock to their systems? well, I can't help but thinking that, maybe if these people went to olive garden, it wouldn't be so bad of a death. there was NOTHING like coming there and eating the amazing and salty hot soup after being out in cold and tiring out. was pure deliciousness. tried a new entree and found out, as far as the others go, it wasn't even that bad for me! was one of the lowest calorie dinners there, actually. and me being me, I only ate half. def a good feeling :)
Then we hung out with brad and dani down town cuz brad came back to town. I was so glad he did! I love seeing friends when they come back, especially on surprise visits! and y'know? it's good to keep up with friends and send them stuff, im, text, whatever, but it's awesome to be in person with them, even if you don't even talk much, or talk about nothing important at all... just to read their facial expressions and body language and stuff. that's the awesome part about seeing someone in person. (on a side note though, not gonna lie. video chat/skype still scares me. because I know it's not real. I know, it's weird). So, that was nice. we went to barnes and noble and ended up seeing some awesome famous guy, he meant a lot to matt and brad and I had never heard of him before... to be honest I already forgot his name. but I bought matt a book of his so that he could have it signed, cuz I know he was low on cash and I know how much it meant to him. So that was neat, to run into one of their idols randomly. and then we went to red mango. OMGIFRICKINLOVETHATPLACEITTASTESLIKEHOWSEXSHOULDBUTONLYFORMYMOUTH (not that I would know what that tastes like. haha). ooooh. it's the 7th already. which means it's almost thanksgiving, I almost get to see laura <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 (pardon all the hearts. I just miss that bitch dearly). it's almost the statesville cast party. It's almost matt's birthday. It's almost our anniversary... so many good things to look forward to this weekened! eeeeee!
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